Katherine Trebeck – Pluviophile championing an economy
that works for people & planet.

AHPA’s Thinker in Residence 2024

Reflections on economic change for the Australian Health Promotion Association

Talk to the 2024 OECD wellbeing forum

Closing plenary of the OECD’s 7th Wellbeing Forum

Staying curious after the Upstream Retreat

Report from TNE's Upstream lab retreat.

It is time to make the measures matter*

Making the measures matter

Priorities for planetary health equity in Australia

Co-authored with Sharon Friel et al

The Wellbeing Economy in Brief

Briefing about a wellbeing economy, co-authored with Warwick Smith from the Centre for Policy Development

Getting wellbeing economy ideas on the policy table

Report for the Club of Rome

Writer-at-large, University of Edinburgh

Global Compassion Initiative, Edinburgh Futures Institute.

Commentary on CPD’s Pulse opinion polls

Wellbeing is not a matter of right or left: according to most people, it's the only way forward.